"Oh Lord, We Thank You…"
Our Church History
Over the past several decades, Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist Church has been a beacon light on the corner of 76th & Vincennes to help those who are lost find their way to Christ and help heal those who are broken. Our goal is to reach those who do not know Jesus Christ as Savior, to help provide relief for the poor and distressed, and to edify, exhort, and exalt the body of Christ. Our mission is to honor, through worship and a Kingdom-minded lifestyle, our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ by carrying out His command to make disciples of all nations (St. Matthew 28:18-20). We believe, undoubtedly, that God has called us to reach this community who do not know Him and who do not regularly attend any church. In order to accomplish this, the Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist Church will be an equipping center where every Christian can be developed to his or her full potential for kingdom building.
This congregation was organized in 1918 at 3752 S. Federal Street in Chicago, IL. In 1923 the church moved to 43rd and Calumet Avenue and in 1934 the church was relocated in a store front building at 2941 South Cottage Grove in Chicago under the leadership of Rev. William Newton. In 1950 the church purchased a six-flat building located at 4734-36 S. St. Lawrence Avenue where services were then held. In 1957 the church relocated again to the purchased property at 6633 S. Normal Blvd in Chicago. On August 17,1972 under the leadership and vision of Reverend Dr. Oscar David Webster, the church purchased our current property at 7545 S. Vincennes Avenue where we are today.
We give honor to our past leaders and under-shepherds, Reverend J.M. Haggard who planted this seed in 1918, Reverend William Newton, Reverend C.W. Meadows, Reverend Dr. Oscar David Webster, and Reverend Melvin Hayes, Sr., who fed and watered the seed, teaching us to observe all things in and through Christ Jesus. On their biblical teachings we were nurtured in the Word of God which sustains us. We, the membership realize that the seed of Pleasant Green was planted, nurtured and watered by sent men of God, but it is God who has given us the increase and the power of the Holy Ghost to be a witness for Him.
In 2001, the Lord gave us a new leader and under-shepherd, Reverend Walter W. Matthews, Sr. With the arrival of Pastor Matthews and the vision given to him, Pleasant Green has embarked on our spiritual journey of study to become Disciples of Christ with a Kingdom Minded way of life. We are preparing ourselves to live transformed lives as we engage in a life-changing discipleship ministry according to the words of Christ as recorded by St. Matthew 28:19.
Through the years Pastor Matthews leads the congregates in the life-changing journey of restoring God’s priorities in their lives by understanding that “Being A Disciple” is one who knows and follow Christ, one who is being changed by Christ, and one who is committed to the mission of Christ.
Our church provides opportunities for members to engage in; Kingdom Minded Bible Teachings, each Ministry of the Church plans Community Evangelism, Street Corner Worship & Prayer Services, Creative Evangelism Activities, Congregants Field Days and Tools for Living to provide understanding that as a Missionary church, in order to Bring Heaven to Earth, each of us have a personal responsibility to examine and develop “The Missionary in Me/You”.
Our “Equipping the Saints Training” teaches the Adults, Teens & Children, discipleship and apologetics with lessons on how to identify your spiritual gifts, how to share Christ with others, use evangelism tools, and how to disciple others.
Our church 100th year (2018) celebration focus was on “The Kingdom Minded Church Relationships”. We were reminded that our relationship with God (vertical) directly affects our relationship with people (horizontal). Understanding that our vertical relationship is most vital because it produces eternal results and helps us with all horizontal relationships.
As a church through a Bible Training Series, we continue to look at Relationships through Membership, Stewardship, Fellowship, & Discipleship.
In the year 2020 our country experienced a pandemic which limited our assembling to worship, visiting one another and travel. Our congregation stayed connected with our Pastor praying for members, guiding ministry leaders via conference calls, and weekly video messages.
Our church ministries adapted to making calls and texting to continue their outreach. The Pastoral Care Ministry: pastor assigned the ministers members to encourage and check wellness; the Deacon Family Ministry: checked on their assigned member families to encourage and check wellness, communion was delivered to homes and provided as a stay in your car-drive by the church service; the Intercessory Prayer Team: prayed for our members, the city, state, country and the world. They also responded to prayer request calls from the church phone line; the Church Office remained open, and staff responded to emergency needs for food and utilities; the Clerk’s Office: worked to ensure that membership information was updated; the Audio-Visual Ministry: provided Worship Services and Monday Night Kingdom Minded Bible Teachings, via Facebook Live. All safety guidelines were followed by those who assembled for recordings. Sunday School Classes for Adults, Teens & Children was provided via Church Conference Call Line.
Also, congregates participated in our “Being the Hands and Feet of Jesus Outreach”, by donating monthly to our Service Ministries (Music, Usher, Nurses, Beautifying, and Community Outreach) and our Equipping Ministries (Mission and Singles), requested items that were given to our church seniors and community. The Deacon Ministry delivered items to senior homes for safety and the Community Outreach Ministry set up tables with items outside for community safety.
Now in 2022 our church continues to rest safely in the arms of God, holding up the blood stain banner of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Through it all we truly have learned to trust and depend on Him.
We mark history while moving onward and upward as followers of God with spiritual maturity, connecting to God’s work of reaching His people with His love. We realize that “It’s all about Him, His church, and His vision for His people”. Acts 17:28a. “To God be the Glory Forever and Ever. Amen.”
Our Theme
“Pleasant Green, the church where the people are equipped for
the work of the ministry.”
Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Walter Wendell Matthews, Sr., Pastor